The Godfather or Frank and Warren Act Like Juvenile Delinquents...
Frank and Warren went to see The Godfather at a midnight showing in a sleazy theater. They threw popcorn, insulted Mumbles, laughed at the horse head, loved Fontaine (Al Martino)...this especially moved Frank...loved Jimmy Cann getting laid at a wedding and getting killed at a toll booth...boy, they both always watched their asses at toll booths in Jersey...They threw coins and floored it...Frank and Warren yelled at the screen...told Pacino to get the F out of the family business and go make babies with Kay. Frank thought she was hot. So did Warren... They smuggled cheap beer into the theater and threw it at the screen...Suffice it to say..they got thrown out of the theater in Secaucus...
Frank: Is that son-of-a-bitch in bed with the horse supposed to be Harry Cohn?
Warren and Frank laughed their asses off...