My Mother, Joan

1953 POSTED BYJOAN NOELDECHENSEPTEMBER 6, 2021POSTED INMEMOIRTAGS:MARYLAND, THE NOELDECHEN FAMILYWarren and his bride Joan…eloped to Maryland. Warren was 30. Mother was 23…a Manhatten model and highly creative person, champion swimmer and diver…She almost went to the 1948 Olympics and was offered a motion picture contract. She also studied home economics, art, clothing design, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, antiques, restoring furniture, sewing, gardening, accounting, fashion design…She was well read. Joan also went boating with my father. She was not allowed to go to college…no money. She later became a championship winning golfer…Joan (now Gilroy) knew Nicholas, Trevino, and Palmer. She made several holes in one…even in the snow. Amazing…my father said Joan was the best of Hazel’s children…a real winner. My mother…hint: Joan made and designed the dress in this picture…all by herself…no money…my father used to watch her high dive at the Riviera on Long Island. He took gorgeous pictures of Joan…Esther Williams was her role model… POSTED BYJOAN NOELDECHENSEPTEMBER 6, 2021POSTED INMEMOIRTAGS:MARYLAND, THE NOELDECHEN FAMILYPUBLISHED BY JOAN NOELDECHEN Poet, Photographer, Screenwriter, Playwright, Receptionist, and Intuitive View more postsPost navigation PREVIOUS POSTPrevious post: WARREN…MY DAD NEXT POSTNext post: JOAN NOELDECHEN RESULTS ON SOUNDCLOUD
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