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Joanie’s Story: from my 41st year

Writer's picture: Joan M. NoeldechenJoan M. Noeldechen

I’ve had many intuitive experiences in my life but the one that I’m going through now tops any experience I’ve ever had. I’ve had many challenges for about a year and a half. I used to be in a better place. When I was 39, everything shifted. I was disrupted on every level: health, relationship, money, job, and home. What preceded this was interesting. I had stopped writing a word. Nothing would come…not even a journal entry. Everything in my intuition told me to leave Martha’s Vineyard and return to North Carolina. I spent my 40th year going from Dr. to Dr. They helped me some but were baffled by my condition. After being drained on every level, I became quiet and was told what I needed to take to make me stronger. It was like being in a cocoon. I couldn’t attract any work and when I did I was too sick to make it through. I listened and slowly I’ve been able to make a healing process.

The other miracle came in the form of dreams. I had started to write poems and stories in my bed, but I had no direction. Then one night last summer I started to have dreams specifically directing me to compose a screenplay. I thought, a screenplay? The novella I was writing…yes, that would make a great screenplay. The work channeled through me. Two girlfriends encouraged my journey. I asked, now what? More dreams followed instructing me where to submit. I thought I was crazy but submitted online. I am still on the path to finding the outcome of this experience. I’ve submitted my first script to a competition thanks to another writer on the site who showed up like an angel! I have rewritten my first two scripts and am working on my third. I am still having dreams guiding me and now, and rather than be silent, I can’t stop writing!

I was forced to relocate to my father’s home in New York and am presently looking for work. Not everything has been revealed to me as far as what I’m being prepared for or what my life is going to be like from now on. It is a mystery.

Other poetry pieces are being submitted and published. It is all being guided by intuition and Spirit. Strangers have crossed my path and say I am on the verge of a breakthrough. I’m being guided though this challenging time and I am keeping my faith as I approach my 41st birthday.

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